
Stop Drilling For Plastics

The ocean is a beautiful environment with living creatures and an amazing ecosystem. It is important for many people to keep our oceans clean and protected, but some people don’t realize that what is happening to the ocean is a real issue. Many types of trash and plastics are polluting oceans. People who buy and drink plastic bottles (recycled or not after use) can adversely impact the environment. Especially offshore drilling, from which petroleum is used to produce plastic bottles, are at risk of oil spill accidents. These issues can cause more damage in the ocean environment and can harm living creatures.

The campaign was designed to focus on the message to stop using water bottles, given that they promote oil drilling for their production. I designed an icon of a water bottle and transformed it into an oil drill to represent one of the problems of offshore drilling. The icon is applied on a poster with an informative quote through which the viewer can realize the effects of plastics on our limited resources, and to encourage the switch from plastic bottles to reusable ones. The campaign expands its message with designed buttons, stickers, shirts, mobile app, and a website.

Process Icon Design / Final Icon Design

Process Icon Design / Final Icon Design

Poster Campaign Designs

Poster Campaign Designs

Website Mockup Layout Designs

Website Mockup Layout Designs